
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in the sacred ministry of offering the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembled community.  They welcome each person as a brother or sister in the Lord and make the moment of Communion a faith-filled encounter with the living Christ.
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion a person should be a registered member of the parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, and has fulfilled the Archdiocesan requirements of attending a workshop to exercise this sacred ministry.  Ministers are commissioned by the pastor.
Contact Person:  Fr. Ivan Dawson, C.Ss.R

Ministers of the Word

Ministers of the Word are those who proclaim God’s Word at weekday and weekend Masses and at special services.  Good speaking skills and a passion for the Word of the Lord are required for this ministry.

A Minister of the Word must be a registered member of the parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church and has gone through some lector training conducted by the parish.  Ministers are commissioned by the pastor.
Contact Person:  Fr. Ivan Dawson, C.Ss.R

The Ministry of Altar Server

The Ministry of Altar Server includes anyone who has received Holy Communion and completed third grade and above.  Candidates must be able to express reverence and accept responsibility of being present or finding a substitute when they are scheduled.  Altar servers assist the priest or deacon in the celebration of the Mass and other special liturgies.  Adults must be registered members of the parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, and have attended some parish training.
Contact Person:  Fr. Richard Thibodeau, C.Ss.R

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers)  is open to anyone who wishes to exercise this ministry in the Church.  They welcome people to weekend Masses as well as other Masses on special occasions.  These ministers create a welcoming and prayerful atmosphere for worship.  They greet and seat people in a caring and orderly manner while assisting those with special needs.  They also direct Communion lines with reverent attention and assist with the Offertory Collection.  Seasonal ministers are always needed.

At each Mass, all ushers report to the coordinating usher of that Mass for an assignment.  Ushers can arrange their schedule according to their availability.  Since this is a parish ministry, ushers will be trained and are required to attend an annual workshop.
Contact Person:  Fr. Richard Thibodeau, C.Ss.R.

The Sacred Space Cleaners
The Sacred Space Cleaners are parish volunteers who faithfully gather to clean and spruce-up the church.  They dry mop the sanctuary, vacuum the floor, dust the pews, and replace worship aids to their proper location.
Contact Person: St. Mary’s Assumption Church – Angie Flowers (504) 891-3363
St. Mary’s Chapel – Carol Wilkerson (504) 458-7181

Outdoor Maintenance
Assists in doing yard work and some planting around St. Mary’s Assumption Church and St. Mary’s Chapel.
Contact person: St. Mary’s Assumption Church – Angie Flowers (504) 891-3363